Catersource 2025 is Over, What Now?
/Catersource + The Special Event has come and gone, so you’re surely now asking yourself- how can I make sure I’ve maximized my investment?
If you’re officially unpacked and looking for the next steps, then you’ve come to the right place.
As a long time Catersource partner, we’d suggest you focus on these three post-conference buckets to ensure your time in Fort Lauderdale was time well spent.
But first-
It’s imperative that you’ve set aside the time to revisit your post-Catersource to-dos. The fact is, the busy catering season is right around the corner (if not already in many parts of the US!) so block off time ASAP on your calendar and set an appointment yourself to revisit these three things.
First Bucket: the Quick and Easy Post Mortem
Have only a few minutes to spare in the next week or so? Then, simply sit down and outline the top things you’d consider doing differently for 2026. You think you’ll remember these small details in the coming months, but I promise you, you probably won’t.
Would you, for example, come in earlier or stay later? Would you adjust your hotel accommodations based on new criteria? Would you have blocked off more time prior to the conference to prepare? Are there people that you wished you had reached out to ahead of time to schedule a sit-down? What would you have done differently with your booth if you had been an exhibitor? If you spoke, are there any audio-visual must-knows you want on the list for next year?
Keep an easy checklist of things to cover and move it to a date in early Q4 2025 when you’ll be revisiting your Catersource 2026 plans.
Next Bucket: the Exhibitors
Catersource + The Special Event is equal parts great education and a robust tradeshow, so let’s start with the latter. Time is of the essence if you want to explore new partnerships, implement programs, and/or adjust aspects of your business operations.
Hopefully, you kept a log of the exhibitors you’d like to revisit; if not, this handy list will refresh your memory regarding the 2025 Catersource + Special Events exhibitors. List who you’d like to connect with and organize them by:
Urgent- reach out immediately
Serious interest- but reach out at a quieter time in the season
Possible interest but not a priority
Schedule a time this week to reach out to those deemed urgent, and for those marked as “later,” either schedule time to reach out later in the year or create a living document where you can keep the list handy and revisit as it makes sense.
While we have you, you can always schedule an easy 15 minute call with Clint to discuss saving you your food and kitchen supplies.
Final Bucket: Implementing Education
Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about education. Hopefully, you had a chance to sit in on some classes and took ample notes (the 2025 schedule is still live if you need a refresher). Now is the time to sit down with your notes and come up with a list of action items related to what you learned. Ask yourself:
Which action items should be prioritized from what I learned and what are the first steps to implement?
What takeaways should I consider presenting to my team at home?
What resources (such as books, podcasts, articles, and follow-up training) could help me dive deeper into the topics covered in the sessions I attended?
How will I measure the success of what I learned?
And remember- if you’re short on time- focus on what will be most impactful for now and build out time as you’re able to implement the rest.