Thoughtful Ways to Give Back to Your Community


When a crisis strikes a community, whether local or global, there’s a lot to be said for providing aid and support for those who need it most. At the time of this writing, the world is grappling with the reality of a global pandemic as COVID-19 closes schools and restaurants indefinitely, tests the healthcare system, and puts nations into lockdown. In times like these, it’s critical for us to lean on our humanity and work through this issue together. Those in a position to give are encouraged to contribute, whether that is through time, resources, or even positive energy. 

“Good, healthy communities make for a better business climate, so it really is in everyone’s best interest to do what we can to make that happen,” states Anthony Lambatos of Footers Catering

Of course, there is never a wrong time for giving back to your community, especially when you consider that it’s the foundation in which you and your businesses have grown and developed upon. While change may be inevitable, you will find stability and togetherness in a community in which you’ve become an integral piece through nurture and attention. 

Here are a few ways you can give back to your community, no matter the situation.

Reconnect with nonprofit clients

If you’re in the corporate space and work with nonprofit organizations, take some time to revisit with them and ask about their current projects. Learn where their biggest concerns lay and find a solution that you can offer. It may not even be related to your specific craft; a caterer can certainly provide food, but if collecting school supplies for at-risk youth is the top priority, skip the kitchen and start stocking up on pencils and notebooks.

“We like to support many of the non-profits we work with on their events throughout the year,” shares Lambatos. “This goes beyond a discount or donation, it’s about finding where we can best help them. Sometimes that is through a volunteer effort with our team donating their time, sometimes it’s through a food or clothing drive, and sometimes it’s raising awareness for a cause. Each relationship is unique and we find that the organizations get the most out of it and our team really enjoys helping them in different ways.”

Contribute to auctions

Auctions are an excellent way to raise money on behalf of an organization and, when you offer your products or services as a prize, you are increasing the overall earning potential of the event. It doesn’t matter if it’s live or silent; any auction prize is valuable, so consider what you can offer as a contribution for the greater good.

“We offer dinners for ten in your home for live auction fundraisers,” says Lon Lane of Lon Lane’s Inspired Occasions. “Our dinners generally sell for $5,000 to $12,500. Oftentimes, we will offer a second or third dinner if there is a bidding war. We also provide food tables at fundraisers.”

Host a supply drive

There is always a need for things like non-perishable food, school supplies, hygiene products, winter coats, and other basic essentials. Seek out local food banks, women’s refuges, homeless shelters, and other nonprofit organizations that collect supplies to give directly to those who need it most. Start asking friends, family, and colleagues if they’d like to contribute to your supply drive, then donate everything directly to the organization.

Opt for financial donations

Even if you feel that your products or services aren’t the best fit for contributions, you can always fall back on the old reliable money donation. Financial gifts allow non-profit organizations to pursue new projects and support those in need, so this is a quick and easy way to make a difference in your community. Consider the causes that drive you the most, whether it’s animal welfare, childhood education, domestic violence, or global hunger.

Remember: A rising tide lifts all boats. If you are there to support your community, you’ll quickly find that your community will be there to return the favor when you need it most. We are stronger together, but let’s not wait for a crisis to remind us of that fact.