Skeptical about savings? You are not alone.
/Here at SB Value, while we feel our food savings concept is a simple one, and frankly, common in many other industries around the globe, it may seem daunting to change the food purveyor you have used for years. It may also appear too good to be true if you are not familiar with the concept.
When it comes to food, we all know prices fluctuate, specialty items in demand by your client can put you in a whole new level for budgeting purposes, and kitchen supplies, we all know how expensive those can get!
However, this is a cost that does have opportunities for savings - some big, some smaller, but overall, having the flexibility to purchase items as part of a network of food service professionals, and not just as one company, gives you incredible options for savings and even improvement of current brands and availability.
Recently, Serge Krikorian of Dinner's Ready, Express Catering of Benton, Arkansas experienced working with SB Value. Here's what he had to say.
I love it when I’m wrong and thank you, caterers who told me I was wrong to be so cynical and that I should check out SB Value. I've had the same vendor 20 something years with the same salesperson/friend who worked hard and got me deviated pricing, a 2% quarterly rebate, free menu/advertising printing and many other perks. When I told him I had the opportunity to join SB Value, he told me while it was sad for him to lose my account (I am his biggest account), I would be (expletive) stupid not to join. CATERERS I know you have busy schedules but take the time and check out SB Value. The savings are real and they are significant!
“The savings are real and significant! ”
We've ordered online for the past few years, so no issues there. I will tell you for you to look past your regular order guide because SB Value has contracts with certain brands that will save you significantly. Example of that, purchasing Monarch dressing through SB Value would save me $8.00 per case but switching it to Kraft saved me $28.00 per case.
Not going to say that the switch has been completely smooth and painless. With the deviated pricing we were receiving on our paper goods, the SB Value pricing on the same products was higher. I had to actually get into the Program and search for comparable products from other manufacturers to replace what we are currently purchasing. For the most part, we found comparable products pretty close to what we were paying before the switch. Also, commodity products (mostly meats) are slightly higher than we were paying but it amounts to less than 6-7 cents per serving more whereas the savings on other products are $20, $30 even $40 per case less. Based on our products purchased, we expect a 17-21% overall savings on food and paper goods
If you have questions about how the SB Value program works, or would like to see how much your company could save, please email Clint Elkins at or click here.